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Conference Schedule

Below is the list of conference tracks and a day-by-day schedule for the 2014 National Energy Utility Affordability Conference.
The symbol § indicates sessions for which Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit was granted. The State Supreme
Court of Kansas accredited the conference for 10.5 hours of CLE credit, while Missouri accredited it for 9.6 hours of credit. Colorado
approved 8 hours of CLE credit, and Arkansas, Ohio and Pennsylvania each approved 7.5 hours of credit.

Note: Click on a presenter's name for a link to his or her conference presentation and/or handouts where designated.

Track A – Internal Management/Innovative Approaches
Track B – Weatherization and Energy Efficiency
Track C – Energy Assistance and Education
Track D – Policy and Advocacy
Track E – Vulnerable Populations
Track F – Tribal Issues
Track G – Regulations and Strategies

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

9:00-10:30 a.m.                   Opening General Session

Introduction & Comments:     John Rich, president, National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition
Welcome:                                Robert S. Kenney, Chairman, Missouri Public Service Commission
                                                Tracey A. LeBeau, Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, U.S. Department of Energy
                                                Mayor Sly James, Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri
                                                Dan Rendler, Southern California Gas Company
At the opening general session of NEUAC 2014, attendees heard from leaders of the host organizations and special guests. They also got the lay of the land for events during the three days of the conference.

KenneyRobert S. Kenney was appointed to the Missouri Public Service Commission in July 2009 by Gov. Jay Nixon and named as its chairman in March 2013. Chairman Kenney chairs the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ Committee on Energy Resources and the Environment.  He also serves on the Consumer Affairs Committee, the Subcommittee on Utility Market Place Access, and the International Relations Committee.  He is the immediate past president of the Organization of MISO States. Prior to his appointment to the PSC, Chairman Kenney served as Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster’s Chief of Staff.

LeBeauTracey A. LeBeau is director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs. She was appointed in January 2011 to establish this new office, which manages, coordinates, creates and facilitates programs and initiatives to encourage tribal energy and energy infrastructure development. LeBeau has more than 15 years of experience in energy investment, start-ups and energy development.


11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.        Session 1

A        Burn From Within, Not Out – Equipping Staff with Essential Skills to Manage Others and Take Care of Themselves

Moderator:                             Kim Brabits, Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas
Presenters:                            Dustin Hardison, Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas
                                               Heather Lukens, Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas
                                               Dylan Woods, Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas

In this opening workshop, a panel discussed how to recognize the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue. It also covered what leaders can do to identify treatment areas and personal self-care activities. The goal is to keep the individual staff member's fire burning.

B       Beyond the Horizon: How New Industry Standards and Credentials Grow Markets and Career Paths

Moderator:                             Elizabeth Berube, Citizens for Citizens
Presenter:                              Larry Zarker, Building Performance Institute

Participants learned how BPI’s new No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashout Energy Professional certifications are helping to create a path of career advancement for seasoned industry professionals. The Energy Auditor, Quality Control Inspector, Retrofit Installer and Crew Leader certifications are the only credentials available to the No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashout energy performance and weatherization industry that are supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and accredited to the ISO 17024 standard by ANSI. Participants learned the value of stackable credentials in the No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashout performance career ladder, where increased knowledge and skills lead to advancement.

C       Collaboration and Cooperation 

Moderator:                             Mike Bradford, The Salvation Army-Georgia Division                    
Presenters:                            Heather Jones, Missouri Department of Social Services
                                              Connie Taylor, Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis
                                              Julie Trachsel, Laclede Gas Company                    

Across the country community based organizations, utilities and LIHEAP agencies work to mitigate energy insecurity for low-income customers. This workshop looked at the successful partnership between Missouri’s LIHEAP, Laclede Gas and Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis and the strategies they use to make their partnership successful. 

D       §   Heat and Eat: How LIHEAP and SNAP Combine so Clients Can Bake Their Cake and Eat It, Too!

Moderator:                             Jacqueline Holmes, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Presenters:                            Catherine Buhrig, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
                                              Richard Moffi, Vermont Department for Children and Families                                                

This session explored the LIHEAP connection in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, aka Food Stamps) regulations.  Conferees discovered how the recently enacted Farm Bill changed the rules for the LIHEAP linkage but still provideed states with an opportunity to leverage millions of federal dollars for a relatively small stake or LIHEAP investment.  The Heat/Eat or Food/Fuel link in the Farm Bill can translate into greater financial assistance to low-income clients and simplified administration of SNAP.  It may even reduce some state’s SNAP error rates.  Presenters actively utilizing the LIHEAP/SNAP connection shared their experiences and identified the key steps to implementation in your state or county.           

E        Good Communication With Non-Traditional Partners

Moderator:                             Petra Decaille-Poleon, The Salvation Army
Presenters:                            Rhonda Harper, Citizens Energy Group
                                              Jim Jacob, New Jersey SHARES                  

Working together works!  In this workshop, attendees learned how several organizations maximize the benefits of the strong relationships they have built with non-traditional partners, adding value and meeting the needs of mutual clients or customers.                     

F        Tribal Issues: Establishing Agreements With States and Vendors

Moderator:                             Patrick Strickland, Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina
Presenter:                              Louise Kadinger, Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority                     

An established state and fuel vendor agreement is the basis of administering LIHEAP for tribes.  Negotiating agreements will ensure the tribe receives the maximum amount of LIHEAP funding from the state and creates a good working relationship with both the state and fuel vendors. This session explained that Tribes who intend to make payments directly to vendors are required by the law to establish certain procedures for both the tribe and vendor.

G       §   A Smarter Grid—It’s All About the Consumer

Moderator:                             Sandra Sloane, New York Public Service Commission
Presenters:                            Gail Allen, Kansas City Power & Light Company
                                              Jim Gallagher,  New York State Smart Grid Consortium
                                              David O'Brien, Bridge Energy Group

Consumer engagement is a key component of the transformation of the electric system through the deployment of innovative new technologies and business models. What changes to the transmission and distribution systems are needed to protect customers from power outages?   How can a smarter grid help customers manage their energy bills and save money? Are there barriers to low-income customer participation and how can these be addressed by regulators? This panel discussion analyzed these important questions through presentations from experts in the field.          

12:30-1:45 p.m.                   Luncheon and Presentation

                                                Pecha Kucha (click here to see the group presentation)

Presenters:                            Tanya Brothers, HeartShare Human Services of New York
                                                Mary Thompson Grassi, PPL Electric Utilities
                                                Chris Hickling, Edison Electric Institute
                                                Jackie Hutichinson, Peoples Community Action Corporation
                                                Jim Jacob, New Jersey SHARES
                                                John Rich, Mid America Assistance Coalition

Pecha Kucha is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each. The format keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powering multiple- speaker events. Join us as we recount the history of NFFN and NLIEC -- Pecha Kucha style -- and explore how the two organizations became what is now NEUAC!

2:00-3:15 p.m.                     Session 2

A        Why Data Matters:  How to Build a Business Case

Moderator:                             Susan Sherer, The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW)
Presenters:                            Marsha Belcher, Community Action Foundation of Northern Illinois
                                              Jacqueline Berger, APPRISE
                                              David Carroll, APPRISE

This session explored the increasing value of data gathering and how to use it as a tool for collaboration and partnerships. Three panelists discussed potential success of nonprofits to make data a useful and integral way for organizations to build and sustain a business case.  Panelists gave examples on making data a component of LIHEAP and energy efficiency programs and discussed the collection of meaningful data and how to market your data with meaningful results.              

B       "Whole House" Approach to Residential Environmental Health

Moderator:                             Jana Katz, Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Presenters:                            Erica Forrest, Center for Environmental Health, Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics
                                              Carla Potts, North East Community Action Corporation 

Healthy No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashouts must provide low- and moderate-income residents with quality managed health care.  Otherwise, repeat emergency-room admissions and the like may burden your developments, your staff and your hospitals with cost overruns, budget increases and fines.  In this session, attendees learned about cutting-edge pilot programs in Missouri partnering with hospitals and insurance companies to build healthy No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashouts and generate revenues.                     

C        Innovative State LIHEAP Partnerships

Moderator:                             Louis Gonzalez, Jr., Florida Power & Light Company
Presenters:                            Robert Broesler, Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
                                               Larry Dawson, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Office of Energy Assistance

State LIHEAP directors from Illinois and Delaware discussed innovative strategies being followed in their states to deliver LIHEAP services to low-income households.                

D       §   LIHEAP: The Basics and Beyond

Moderator:                             Edward Gingold, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Presenters:                            Travis McAdam, LIHEAP Clearinghouse/National Center for Appropriate Technology
                                               Elizabeth Perl, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress

This workshop covered the history of LIHEAP and how it operates at the federal and state levels. Presenters discussed the origin of federal energy assistance programs, the law governing LIHEAP, and how congressional appropriations influence the formulation and distribution of LIHEAP funds.  Presenters also explained and examined how LIHEAP’s block-grant structure gives grantees flexibility when it comes to designing energy assistance programs to help low-income households meet energy needs.

E       Implications of the U.S. Aging Population

Moderator:                             Nancy Cianflone, National Grid
Presenters:                            Scott Jones, United Way of Greater Kansas City
                                              Jacquelyn Moore, Mid-American Regional Council

Baby Boomers have started to enter retirement, and their numbers will continue to grow in the years to come.  This workshop explored issues presented by our aging population especially as they relate to financial needs.                     

F        §   Tribal Issues: Dialogue with Federal Officials

Moderator:                             Patrick Strickland, Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina
Presenters:                            Lauren Christopher, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
                                              Margarita Valladares, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services                                               

Representatives from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will provide an overview of the responsibility and flexibility of the LIHEAP block grant.  Tribal LIHEAP coordinators received practical guidance on developing programs and drafting policy specific to the needs of individual tribes.

G       Disasters: Planning, PartneringSolutions

Moderator:                             Lori Shaffer, Kansas City Power & Light Company
Presenters:                            Brent Baker, The Empire District Electric Company
                                              John Joines, Economic Security Corporation of Southwest Area

Hurricanes. Floods. Tornados. Ice storms. Earthquakes.  The list of possible disasters is long, all of which may affect utility service. When a disaster hits, the most vulnerable – seniors, people with disabilities, families with young children – need to be part of a utility's plan for restoring service. Utility outage response plans require multiple levels of planning, organization and coordination. In this workshop, attendees learned how utilities and non-profits, during the most difficult of times, help those most in need.                      

3:45-5:00 p.m.                     Session 3

A       Fundraising: Ideas for Every Budget

Facilitator:                             Chad Quinn, Dollar Energy Fund

Have you ever needed to put together a fundraiser and struggled to come up with the right concept?  Finding the perfect event that fits your available resources, in terms of personnel and budget, is not a simple task. This interactive poster session was intended to let you to browse a gallery of informative displays featuring real fundraising events and the resources required to pull them off. It was cancelled, however, due to a lack of supporting information.                                  

B       Impact of Energy Efficiency Services on Energy Assistance -- Evidence from New Jersey’s Programs

Moderator:                            Deb Davis, Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania
Presenter:                             Jacqueline Berger, APPRISE                  

The New Jersey Comfort Partners Program provides critical energy usage reduction and health and safety services to low-income households.  Comfort Partners is targeted to customers who participate in the Universal Service Fund program, a New Jersey low-income energy assistance program that reduces the energy burden for electric and gas customers to 6 percent of income.  One of the goals of Comfort Partners is to reduce the USF subsidy as a result of the reduction in energy usage.  This presentation discussed the programs, explored the theoretical impact of Comfort Partners on customers’ bills and the USF subsidy, and explored actual impacts from a current evaluation of the Comfort Partners Program.                     

C       Understanding LIHEAP's New Performance Measures

Moderator:                             David Carroll, APPRISE
Presenters:                            Patrick Boland, Xcel Energy
                                              Heather Jones, Missouri Department of Social Services
                                              Michael Schmitz, Minnesota Department of Commerce

The workshop helped to illustrate the real-world applications of gathering and interpreting new performance measures.  Four states (Minnesota, Montana, Missouri, and Wisconsin) ran data from Fiscal Year 2013 through a test of the new Performance Measurement Form.  The states compareed their outcomes related to benefit and burden-reduction targeting.  State and utility representatives also discussed how different targeting strategies can impact low-income customers in different states that are served by the same utility.  Using the data, they speculated on ways to make targeting practices work better for both low-income customers and utilities.   

D       §   How to Achieve Success for Low-Income Families by Intervening in Utility Demand Side Management Filings

Moderator:                             Rachel Reiber, Former Member of the Kansas Corporation Commission
Presenters:                            Jennifer Gremmert, Energy Outreach Colorado
                                               Luke Ilderton, Energy Outreach Colorado
                                              Jeff Pearson, Attorney for Energy Outreach Colorado

In this workshop, conferees learned how Colorado succeeded in securing funding for low-income households by engaging in advocacy efforts at the General Assembly and at the Public Utilities Commission. The actions ultimately ensured that low-income households will have access to robust efficiency programs.

E       HHS Best Practices to Avoid Fraud

Moderator:                             Marsha Belcher, Community Action Foundation of Northern Illinois
Presenters:                            Kenna Arvold, Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy Services
                                               Barb Klug-Sieja, Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy Services
                                               Akm Rahman, Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development

Maintaining the integrity of programs is essential to their success in providing assistance to those truly in need while maximizing funds.  This workshop shared some of the best practices that organizations have in place to ensure program integrity.                      

F        §   Tribal Issues: Program Integrity and the Law

Moderator:                             Patrick Strickland, Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina
Presenter:                              Tammy Maynor, Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina

Program integrity and the law affects how tribes administer LIHEAP components that include: heating assistance, cooling assistance, crisis intervention assistance and weatherization.  HHS has written regulations that interpret parts of the law. Since LIHEAP is considered a block grant, however, most of the decisions about how the law should be interpreted are left up to the Tribes. 

G       Using “Big Data” to Find Small Pockets

Moderator:                             Elizabeth Brister, Entergy Corporation
Presenters:                            David Baron, Southern California Gas Company
                                               Ted Humphrey, Southern California Gas Company

How does a utility find customers who are eligible for low-income programs?  In the earliest days of a program, merely publicizing it would generate interest and enrollment. As programs mature, utilities may want to find those customers who are hard to reach, and the “last mile” can be the most challenging.  In this environment, there are a variety of tools to find hard-to-reach customers.  Census data and zip code analysis was prominent during the first generation, but these tools have become more sophisticated, and other tools are also becoming available.  This session presented demographic and statistical tools for identifying low-income customers.                    

5:30-7:00 p.m.                     Reception

Attendees thoroughly enjoyed themseves at our "18th & Vine Jazz Club" reception. With the wrap-up of our Silent Auction, food and plenty of fun, there was something for everyone. Kansas City's youth Five Star Jazz Band also brought a night of surprises and a performance you won't forget!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

8:00-8:45 a.m.                     NEUAC Inaugural Membership Meeting

9:00-10:30 a.m.                   Plenary Session 1: Generational Communications Differences

Moderator:                             Dan Rendler, Southern California Gas Company
Speakers:                              Jason Brensdal, Metropolitan Community College
                                              Jim McGraw, Metropolitan Community College

OMG! LOL! WUWT, or "What’s up with that?" as people in a newer generation of communication may ask.  We communicate based on our generational backgrounds, distinct attitudes, behaviors, expectations, habits and motivations. Learning how different generations communicate can eliminate misunderstandings. We must first start with understanding oneself and then understand how individuals in different generations act and react. This plenary session delivered expert information with ideas and answers to take away for more effective communications.

11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.       Session 4

A       An Innovative Approach to Green Rehab

Moderator:                             Nikki Kuhn, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Presenters:                            Ravi Malhotra, ICAST 
                                               Isidoro "Izzy" Hernandez, New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority                   

ICAST, the International Center for Appropriate and Sustainable Technology, has created an innovative and successful approach to green rehab for affordable multifamily housing properties. Through a one-stop-shop approach, ICAST manages the entire process from beginning to end with its ResourceSmart program, making it easy for property managers to achieve their goals in a cost-effective manner. ICAST offers innovative funding solutions through a combination of utility rebates, state financing authority, grants, loans and reserve funds. For implementation, ResourceSmart works with the local weatherization agency and local contractors to deliver a comprehensive, hassle-free process    

B       Air Sealing Attics: Your Blueprint to Energy Savings

Moderator:                             Jo-Ann Choate, National Association for State Community Service Programs
Presenters:                            D. Jensen Adams, Kansas City Public Schools
                                               Rob Jones, Energy and Environmental Training Center of Kansas City  
                                               Mark Rixson, Energy and Environmental Training Center of Kansas City

Attics can account for 30-50 percent of space conditioning costs. This session examined how an attic retrofit reduces energy costs, increases comfort and enhances durability of building components. This session focused on the most practical and effective means to reduce heat loss and heat gain in attics while avoiding moisture/ventilation problems. It concentrated on the building science of proven approaches and techniques for air sealing and insulating in ventilated and non-vented attics.

C       Low Income Engagement:  Beyond Efficiency

Moderator:                             Mary Thompson Grassi, PPL Electric Utilities
Presenters:                            Dave Defide, Duquesne Light                  
                                               Ricky Gratz, Opower 

Low-income households are typically the most difficult to reach, yet represent the greatest opportunity for impactful savings and appreciated engagement. In this session, a Duquesne Light representative discussed its innovative low-income program, developed in partnership with Opower, which employed targeted engagement to deliver savings and promote low-income resources. In addition, Opower highlighted the results of its low-income programs nationwide as well as the key findings from its recent white paper on the opportunity for low-income energy efficiency.                   

D       Generating Revenue for Energy Assistance through Proactive Advocacy Efforts

Moderator:                             Louis Gonzalerz, Jr., Florida Power & Light Company
Presenters:                            Jennifer Gremmert, Energy Outreach Colorado
                                               Jim Jacob, New Jersey SHARES                 

Several NEUAC members have generated significant revenue through innovative advocacy efforts. What seems intimidating is actually easier than you think and can reap big rewards for the families whom we all strive to serve.

E       No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashoutless Prevention and Self-Sufficiency

Moderator:                             Rhonda Harper, Citizens Energy Group
Presenters:                            John Hornbeck, Episcopal Community Services
                                              Jennifer Montague, Commonwealth Edison
                                              Cheryll Sawyer, Commonwealth Edison

No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashoutlessness is a troublesome issue throughout the United States.  Shelters are overflowing, and resources are thin.  How do you break the cycle and begin moving this population forward?  In this workshop, attendeed learned how several organizations have made an impact through No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashoutlessness prevention and other training programs.                  

F       Tribal Issues: Offsetting Low Income Energy Costs through Sustainable Projects on Indian Lands

Moderator:                             Tammy Maynor, Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina
Presenter:                              Edward K. Brooks, The Law Office of Edward Brooks, PLLC

Through renewable energy and sustainable agriculture, tribal governments can provide solutions to offset low-income needs.  In this workshop, conferees had the opportunity to share their ideas and see what other Tribes are doing throughout Indian Country.                     

G       §   How to Participate in a Utility Rate Case. Hint: This Isn’t “Law and Order”

Moderator:                             Edward Gingold, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Presenter:                              Rachel Reiber, Former Member of the Kansas Corporation Commission

Have you ever wondered how utility rates are set? What goes into determining what customers have to pay? Is it necessary to be an attorney to participate in a utility rate case? Do all utilities have special rates for low-income customers?  In this session, we answered these questions and demystified the process.  

12:30-1:45 p.m.                   Luncheon

Speaker:                              Dr. George Askew, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children
                                              and Families

AskewGeorge L. Askew, M.D., serves as the first chief medical officer for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In this role, he provides expert advice and consultation to the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families on the development of programs, policies, and initiatives that address the health needs and strengths of children and families facing our country’s most significant social, economic, and health challenges. This has included: Affordable Care Act education and outreach, the health of victims and survivors of human trafficking, examining the intersection of health outcomes and the social determinants of health, the health and well-being of unaccompanied immigrant children and the expansion of national service.

Dr. Askew provided a conceptual overview of “Social Determinants of Health,” illustrated through research findings demonstrating how access to LIHEAP can improve a family’s health status.  His presentation highlighted the inherent link between provision of high quality human services and improvements in health outcomes, particularly as this important connection impacts the health and well-being of low-income populations. 

2:00-3:15 p.m.                     Session 5

A       Innovation in Energy Assistance Program Application and Delivery

Moderator:                             David Conn, Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Presenters:                            Ashley Sauer, Southern California Edison
                                              Sean Smiles, Dollar Energy Fund

As energy assistance programs expand or become more sophisticated, application processes and program delivery need to change to keep up with the times.  In this session, conferees heared about the ways utilities and program managers have adapted to meet new challenges.  Presenters discussed real-life program challenges and describe solutions that helped better the experience for the utility, program manager, partnering agencies and ultimately the customer seeking assistance.   

B       Addressing Barriers to Efficiency in Low-Income Multifamily Housing

Moderator:                             Alita Corbett, Pepco Holdings, Inc.
Presenters:                            Elizabeth Chant, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
                                              Madiana Mustapha, Economic Opportunity Studies
                                              Ted Trabue, Jr., DC Sustainable Energy Utility

Barriers to making low-income multifamily housing more energy efficient are well understood, but often not well addressed.  This session provided multiple strategies for more effectively and efficiently addressing these barriers.  The successful launch of low-income multifamily programming at the DC Sustainable Energy Utility, with installed measures in more than 5,000 low-income multifamily units within six months, provides a great model of fast entry into a market through the use of complementary and trusted networks.  Work by Economic Opportunity Studies points the way to more effective collaborations between the Weatherization Assistance Program, utilities, and multifamily housing owners to bring additional resources to efficiency efforts. A new social enterprise model, the public purpose energy services company (PPESCO), attempts to break barriers to deep energy savings by providing technical services, access to financing, and ongoing savings verification, using capital from mission-aligned sources.

C       Unique Challenges of Deliverable Fuels

Moderator:                             Greta Shelton, Southern California Gas Company
Presenters:                            Steve Ahrens, Missouri Propane Gas Association
                                               Heather Jones, Missouri Department of Social Services
                                               Akm Rahman, Massachusetts Department of Housing & Community Development

Many parts of the country serve households that use propane or fuel oil for No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashout heating. This workshop addressed some of the unique challenges associated with these fuel sources and how stakeholders working together can collaborate to address these challenges.

D       §   Dialogue with Federal Officials

Moderator:                           Jacqueline Holmes, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Presenter:                            Jeannie Chaffin, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
                                             Lauren Christopher, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services                    

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Community Services oversees more than $3 billion per year in funding for the Low Income No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashout Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to the 50 states, the District of Columbia, five insular areas and approximately 160 directly funded Tribes and Tribal organizations. Representatives of this office discussed LIHEAP funding and answered attendees’ questions on administrative and programmatic issues.

E       Veterans Transition Into Civilian Life

Moderator:                             Susan Mais, National Grid
Presenters:                            Sidney Gardner, Kansas City Power & Light Company
                                              Jim Mikel, The Spirit Foundation    

Military veterans face myriad challenges as they return No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashout from combat and assimilate into society. This workshop highlighted innovative training and employment programs with a focus on employing veterans in the utility, green jobs and construction fields. Presenter Jim Mikel talked about the qualified assessor program for wounded warriors and transitioning military, as well as their impact on No Deposit Bonus With No Max Cashout energy rating programs worldwide.                 

F        §   Tribal Issues: Effective Advocacy On and Off Capitol Hill

Moderator:                             Edward K. Brooks, The Law Office of Edward Brooks, PLLC
Presenter:                              Brian Howard, National Congress of American Indians

Effective lobbying will enhance relationships between Tribal governments and the federal, state, and local governments. By working together, it will be possible to better meet the needs of Tribal citizens and uphold the government-to-government principals that are essential to the autonomy of Tribal governments.

G       A Data Sharing "How To" Story

Moderator:                             Mark Aguirre, Southern California Gas Company
Presenters:                            Rosie Casillas, Southern California Edison
                                               Ornett Mack, Southern California Gas Company
                                               Danielle Manzano, Southern California Edison

Datasharing of customer information for like programs between utilities, state, local and government entities has been in existence for many years.  In this session, two types of data sharing processes were presented. The first presentation discussed the “Joint Utility Data Sharing Tool” developed by Southern California Edison and the Southern California Gas Company. The concept of the tool takes a departure from the traditional datasharing methods by providing a window into a centralized repository that stores data for both utilities and stakeholders, vital customer information that can be used to leverage enrollment in one utility's program into the other's within their shared service territory. The second presentation discussed the more traditional method of datasharing; including the process of sending and receiving customer program information via a secured file transfer protocol.                   

3:45-5:00 p.m.                     Session 6

A      Wisconsin’s Energy Assistance and Weatherization Centralized Database Environments

Moderator:                             Ricky Gratz, Opower
Presenters:                            Jane Blank, Wisconsin Department of Administration Division of Energy Services
                                               Joseph Keuler, Wisconsin Department of Administration Division of Energy Services
                                               Barb Klug-Sieja, Wisconsin Department of Administration Division of Energy Services      

Wisconsin has developed a web-based centralized database combining energy assistance and weatherization service delivery.  This comprehensive and powerful web environment/database is used by nearly 1,000 people from grantees, sub-grantees, nonprofit organizations and utilities to determine program eligibility, process benefits, track program related data elements and reimburse program operational expenses.  Wisconsin has programmed into this web application the Department of Health and Human Services’ Performance Measures data elements as well as third-party verification of applicant provided information.  With the deployment of this new system, Wisconsin expects the operations of the energy assistance and weatherization programs to become more efficient, improve program and data integrity, and ease the application process for all Wisconsin residents.       

B       Non-energy Benefits, Job Creation and Local Economic Development: The Changing Face of Evaluation

Moderator:                             Merrilee Harrigan, Alliance to Save Energy
Presenters:                            Jennifer Gremmert, Energy Outreach Colorado
                                               Ingrid Malmgren, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
                                              Ted Trabue,Jr., DC Sustainable Energy Utility

In the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of jurisdictions incorporating the value of non-energy benefits (NEBs) into energy-efficiency cost effectiveness screening, including those tied specifically to low-income energy-efficiency improvements.  In this workshop, attendees followed three different organizations along individual journeys that led to the recognition and incorporation of NEBs in their jurisdictions. They:

C       Fueling for the Future

Moderator:                             Travis McAdam, LIHEAP Clearinghouse                  
Presenters:                            Luke Illderton (for Skip Arnold), Energy Outreach Colorado
                                               Jim Jacob, New Jersey SHARES
                                               Chad Quinn, Dollar Energy Fund
                                               Susan Sherer, The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW)

While federal funding for energy assistance has declined in recent years, the need for such help continues to grow.  Statewide fuel funds are an integral part of filling this gap with the resources they provide.  During this workshop, fuel fund representatives discussed how to form and grow these entities, along with addressing both the challenges they have faced and their accomplishments.

D       Effective Advocacy

Moderator:                             Edward Gingold, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Presenters:                            Matt Haase, Office of United States Senator Roy Blunt
                                               Geoff Jolley, Office of U.S. Representative Emanuel Cleaver, II                  

When you get an appointment with a policymaker or staffer, you only have a few moments to get your message across. How can you best accomplish your advocacy goals? LIHEAP is a successful and worthy program, so how can advocates effectively communicate the value of the program to policymakers? This workshop explored how local advocates can best rally their support into an effective grassroots effort. It also presented the “do’s and don’ts” of LIHEAP advocacy and offered effective advocacy techniques and strategies necessary to influence policymakers and create key relationships.

E       Community Response to Disasters: Real Life Stories

Moderator:                             Tanya Brothers, HeartShare Human Services of New York
Presenters:                            Joe Guarinello, HeartShare Human Services of New York
                                               Brenda Downing, The Salvation Army-Hartford, CT                  

How does a community prepare for and respond to a weather disaster?  With the severe weather many areas of the country have endured over the past several years, the need to prepare and respond to weather disasters is critical.  This workshop explored some of the things organizations have learned and what programs have been successful in meeting the needs of those affected by weather disasters. 

F        Tribal Issues: Weatherization and the Housing Connection

Moderator:                             Louise Kadinger, Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority 
Presenter:                              Kevin Fitzgibbons, Fitzgibbons and Associates                  

Tribal programs that provide weatherization and housing assistance often target the same household need.  Collaboration between these programs will provide a solution to maximize services offered without duplicating services. In this session, conferees learned how to implement program collaboration best practices.              

G       What to do When Customers Cannot Pay Their Utility Bills: Unique Utility Approaches to Manage Credit and Collection Issues

Moderator:                             Ted Humphrey, Southern California Gas Company
Presenters:                            Dan Alderson, Atmos Energy Corporation
                                              David Conn, Baltimore Gas & Electric Compay
                                              Rochel Ditmore, Atmos Energy Corporation                 

Utility representatives shared initiatives they have implemented to improve collections and manage write-offs without negatively impacting the low-income customer. The session provided valuable insights on this process for non-profit, government and utility staff alike. The economy has been difficult for so long. What do we do with the people who can’t pay? They want to pay but just can’t. These are the new poor, the payment troubled.

Friday, June 20, 2014

8:00-9:00 a.m.                     Full Breakfast

Attendees gather for a full breakfast in the ballroom used for general sessions prior to the start of the conference day.

9:00-10:30 a.m.                   Plenary Session 2: Distributed Generation -- Impacts on Low Income Consumers

Moderator:                             Jennifer Gremmert, Energy Outreach Colorado
Speakers:                              Commissioner Catherine J.K. Sandoval, California Public Utilities Commission (invited)
                                               Marc Romito, Arizona Public Service
                                               David Springe, Kansas Citizens' Utility Ratepayer Board

Across the country, there is growing interest in using rooftop solar panels and other small-scale, on-site power sources known as distributed generation, or DG. Consumers with these types of generation systems connect to the local electric grid and use the grid both to buy and sell power. To encourage the introduction of DG systems when they first came to market years ago, many states approved a billing system called net metering. Net-metered consumers generally are credited for the excess power they generate and sell to electric companies, often at the full retail electricity rate.  This plenary session explored a range of consumer issues that have arisen as these technologies become more widespread, including consumer protection and fairness. 

10:30-11:45 a.m.                 NFFN & NLIEC Awards Presentation & Closing Session

Presenter:                              John Rich, NEUAC President
About NEUAC 2015:         David Conn, Baltimore Gas & Electric Company

The National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition will present its highest honors.

The Sister Pat Kelley Achievement Award recognizes exemplary personal achievement in furthering the organization's objectives of increasing public awareness of low-income energy problems, advancing energy assistance policy and promoting charitable energy assistance.

The Victorine Q. Adams Award spotlights institutional innovation and achievement among nonprofit NEUAC members.

The Corporate Excellence Award recognizes outstanding achievements by a company on behalf of its low-income customers.

The NEUAC Achievement Award is presented to an individual or organization that has demonstrated consistent leadership in championing low-income energy issues.

After the awards presentations, attendees will look ahead to next year's conference, which will be held June 22-24, 2015,in Baltimore, Maryland, and then will close out NEUAC 2014 with its final raffle drawings.

12:30 – 2:00 p.m.                Post-Conference Meeting: Utilities Participating in 2014 AGA/EEI DataSource Effort

Coordinators:                        Louis Gonzalez, Jr., Florida Power & Light Company
                                               Judi Martin, Omaha Public Power District

Utilities that participated in the 2013 Low-Income Program Survey facilitated by AGA/EEI and NEUAC are invited to join their fellow survey participants in a confidential/closed-door discussion where survey results are released and discussed, and where best practices are shared.

© 2014, National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition,

National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition
303 East 17th Avenue, Suite 350, Denver, CO 80203